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Forecast for the price of Ethereum

The price of Ethereum has seen huge boosts over the last couple of years. Just one year ago, one Ethereum was worth less than $400. Today, Ethereum has a market value of over $2,500, even crossing the $4,000 mark only a few months ago. And the trend is that the Ethereum stock price will continue to rise on average.

This article focuses on our Ethereum price prediction. We arrived at reliable conclusions through a study of the history of Ethereum’s price over the years, a fundamental analysis of its price trajectory, and a collation of expert opinions.

Our Ethereum forecast looks into the future to help investors make smart investment decisions. By looking at the Ethereum price chart, we are able to determine the price of Ethereum within the coming decade.

Bitcoin may be the godfather of cryptocurrencies, but Ethereum is that young prodigy who has high potentials of outdoing and outclassing its master. So much is the faith experts have in Ethereum that Billy Bambrough, a senior contributor on crypto and blockchain at Forbes, believes that “Bitcoin Could Be Left In The Dust By Ethereum In 2021″.

The price of Ethereum currently sits at just over $2,400 per Ether. This is a little over half of Ethereum’s highest ever price. The recent bear market saw prices crash all across the cryptocurrency market, and Ethereum was no exception. However, Ethereum has been recovering steadily over the last two weeks and prices are looking up once again.

With these points in mind, found below are our Ethereum forecasts for a variety of upcoming timeframes:

  • One Month – The past few days have seen Ethereum consolidate after a bullish push. Once this area has been surpassed, expect to see Ethereum head towards the $4000 level over the next month.
  • Three Months – It’s likely that Ethereum will head towards May’s highs over the next three months, which could prove to be a solid resistance level. We predict that these levels will be broken, seeing Ethereum head towards the $4800 level.
  • Start of 2022 – As this will be new territory for Ethereum, the sky is really the limit for this crypto. We believe that a valuation of $5000 per coin is likely by the beginning of 2022, providing a solid base for further momentum.

Ethereum Price History – the Story of 2021 So Far

Ethereum started the year with a modest price tag of $770 on January 1, 2021. By the end of January 2021, the price of Ethereum had nearly doubled and was at $1,400. This was great for investors, and despite occasional dips, the price of Ethereum continued to rise on aggregate.

Sometime around the middle of February, Ethereum reached an all-time high value of nearly $2,000. One week later, it dropped to around $1,500. On April 1, Ethereum finally broke the $2,000 mark, starting the day on a price tag of $2,100.

The price of Ethereum continued to experience a steady rise for most of April. By the middle of April, Ethereum had reached another milestone. On April 1, two weeks after breaking past $2,000 for the first time, Ethereum broke past $2,500. This set a new ATH.

Ethereum first broke past the $3,000 threshold on May 2, 2021. This was during the last bull run that saw prices soar all across the cryptocurrency market. Ethereum went as high as $4,000 per coin during this same period and reached an all-time high of over $4,300 on May 12, 2021. The onset of the bear market brought the price of Ethereum crashing down.

However, the market has been recovering lately, as has the price of Ethereum. This keeps us optimistic that our $3,000 Ethereum forecast is most likely to become a reality. And this is most likely going to happen before the end of August.  

Ethereum Price Forecast

Taking a look at the growth trajectory of Ethereum so far in 2021, it is not hard to see why we envision sustained increments in the price of Ethereum. The current Ethereum price is only a shadow of its price peaks, meaning Ethereum can become much more valuable with time.

Many experts share this sentiment. Billy Bambrough of Forbes believes that Ethereum will someday become more valuable than Bitcoin. This might seem far-fetched to the casual observer, but many experts believe this to be a possibility.

According to a Finder panel, Ethereum will end the year as a better investment than Bitcoin. Returns on investment in Ethereum are expected to exceed those on Bitcoin by 35% in 2021. This panel predicts the price of Ethereum to hover around $17,000 by the end of 2021.

We are inclined to agree with the panel’s optimism, although our research and analysis predicts that Ethereum will be valued at around $5000 by the end of 2021. It’s unlikely that Ethereum will not experience some struggles over the upcoming months, as rumours surrounding crypto regulation and taxation begin to heat up.

However, the signs do seem to point towards some great gains for Ethereum over the next year. The uptake of Ethereum’s technology over 2022 could see the coin push past the $5000 level and head higher. Furthermore, as more companies adopt smart contracts and utilise Ethereum’s platform, the valuation will increase more – and our analysis leads us to believe that Ethereum could be valued at over $8000 by the end of 2022.

Ethereum Price Prediction Long Term Outlook

We expect Ethereum to break through the $4,000 threshold again within the next three months. A $5,000 Ether price tag is also very realistic within this period. The end of the year often sees a rise in general cryptocurrency prices and this year will be no different.

Ethereum remains Bitcoin’s closest competitor in the cryptocurrency market. The Ethereum blockchain utility token offers value that even Bitcoin doesn’t. For example, the Ethereum blockchain is an open-source platform, as opposed to the bitcoin blockchain. The implication of this is its benefit for developers.

Developers can deploy immutable and permanent decentralised applications on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can also interact with these applications. This means applications like games and NFT marketplaces can be programmed on the Ethereum blockchain. Combine these with the fact that Ethereum also has smart contract functionality and you can see why a $5,000 price for Ethereum is well within reach in the next three months.

Let us visualize further in the future and discuss Ethereum price estimates for 2022. As is to be expected, every year sees its fair share of bull and bear runs. The coming year will not be an exception. While the price of Ethereum in 2022 will see inevitable ups and downs, there will be an aggregate increase in value. We predict unprecedented growth in the value of Ethereum in 2022. There are two reasons for this.  

Gas Fees and Blockchain Transition

First is the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies in general. The last year has seen a surge in both the number of cryptocurrencies on the market and the value of most of these cryptocurrencies. Some cryptocurrencies have experienced double, triple, and even quadruple-digit growth in market value.

The second and more important reason for the unprecedented growth we foresee in Ethereum’s market value is the coming of Ethereum 2.0. Because of the high gas fees that currently plague the Ethereum network, Ethereum’s founders are working hard to release a new version of Ethereum. This version is set to be released in 2022.

Ethereum 2.0 will mark the transition of the Ethereum blockchain from a Proof of Work mechanism to a Proof of Stake mechanism. This means significantly lesser gas fees, more token utility, and invariably, a surge in Ethereum’s market value.

Combining the above points, our Ethereum price prediction 2025 puts the crypto’s value at $15,000. The next four years should see Ethereum’s platform rise in popularity, as the use case for this cryptocurrency is much stronger than others. If more entities adopt Ethereum, there’s every reason to believe this valuation could be met.

Looking further into the future, our Ethereum price prediction 2030 has Ethereum’s value reaching the $50,000 mark. Numerous analysts predict even higher values than this, although we are erring on the side of caution as nobody knows the outcome of the rumoured taxation laws. What we can be sure of is that Ethereum’s price looks set to showcase some serious bullish momentum over the next five to ten years – and beyond!

Ethereum Price Chart

Ethereum has experienced price swings like every other cryptocurrency in the market. However, unlike many other cryptocurrencies, Ethereum has been able to guarantee investors and speculators an aggregate growth in value, and a proof of it could be if we put a context of an Ethereum 5-year forecast as well.

The chart below reflects Ethereum price live. This price chart details the movement of Ethereum’s market value over the last year.

Ethereum price chart | Image source: CoinCodex


As you may already know, Ethereum has emerged as one of the world’s most profitable cryptocurrencies. It is also arguably the most commercially successful cryptocurrency of the year so far.

With its price currently sitting at around $2500, Ethereum has managed to gain almost a 300% increase in its market value in less than 8 months. This is laudable, considering that this year brought one of crypto’s worst bear markets.

Experts forecast has shown a progressive increase in the price of Ethereum for the rest of the year, following its recovering pace after a bear run which saw a huge price crash across every cryptocurrency market.   Ethereum’s growth will be further bolstered in 2022 when Ethereum 2.0 is released. There is no denying that Ethereum can only get bigger from this point.



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Author: Gail Fernandez

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Name: Gail Fernandez

Birthday: 2012-12-30

Address: 1054 William Ways, Farrellburgh, ID 70213

Phone: +3952861880851854

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Gardening, Sculpting, Bowling, Card Collecting, Skiing, Wine Tasting, Painting

Introduction: My name is Gail Fernandez, I am a risk-taking, capable, frank, fearless, audacious, rich, forthright person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.